Our current situation has many ongoing issues which require much more detailed analysis than is commonly available or put in front of us, and that is an understatement. One of those issues is the issue of "Freedom" or, in material terms, the ability for all people regardless of class, background, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. to be able to control, determine, decide and dictate their own lives, ideas, actions, and organization. This is because we live in a controlled society, one dominated by certain ideas, certain forms of production, profit, exploitation, and oppression. When we speak of so-called "Freedoms" and "Liberties" in the First-World, we are speaking of a magical fairyland, mostly, and we ignore the concrete reality for the majority of people in the First-World and on the rest of the planet.
What freedoms do women, non-men, Gay, Lesbian, Polyamorous, or Trans people/couples have in a society targeting them every day with more bills, legislation, and far-right or fascist organizations, meaning to sentence those deemed "dangerous to society" (somehow the LGBTQIA+ community and women, not the fascists and neo-nazis...) to death, one way or another?
What freedoms or liberties do poor, agricultural workers have when they are forced to leave their homes, countries, families and loved ones, to come work some of the most laborious and long jobs there are, for pennies, of which they send most back to their families in their home countries?
What freedoms do oppressed people have when they are overly policed, incarcerated, killed, undereducated, left without any proper housing opportunities, given few if any healthcare facilities, left with poorly kept roads, buildings, and land, and forced to have to deal with things like environmental racism (over-pollution of black, brown and indigenous communities) or reactionary violence by far-right groups?
What liberty do workers have when their labor power (their mental and physical faculties/motor skills, aka "ability to work"), their time, and effectively, their lives, for a wage - a scientifically calculated amount of money meant to be the minimum amount a person requires to survive to their next shift - or worse, for under-the-table pay which is not subject to regulation nor labor laws, of which both keep workers poor, dependent, and destitute?
What freedoms do prisoners have?
What freedoms do Africans have?
What freedoms do immigrants have?
What freedoms do we really have?
You see, we do not live in a "free-world" - we live in a class society.
This means that there are those who own, and those who do not; there are those in control of government, politics, social power, religious groups, the military, the police, the banks, etc., and there are those who don't; there are those forced to work to feed, clothe, transport, and house themselves, and there are those who never have to work a day in their lives!
This also means there are those who ARE free, given liberty, and representation in politics and in society, economic freedom, etc., over and above the needs, wants, and survival of the majority of the population of the world. Those people are the capitalists, the bankers, the military officials, intelligence agents, CEOs, Board of Directors, weapons' manufacturers, and their cronies, collaborators, and paid-staffers, documented or not, and their class. Aka: the Ruling Class.
In these circumstances, there is only one way to advocate for and build a new world, one of true freedom, liberty, justice and equality - a socialist society - that is, to educate, organize, and struggle.
Educate: Politically, socially, economically, scientifically- however and in whatever way is possible. We have to be "masters of phenomenon", not subject to them. We have to understand the world around us, not as we've been told to do so, but concretely through deep study of material conditions, social movements, history, science, economics, politics, and then develop a theory and especially a practice, based on the conclusions we come to, aimed at full liberation of all oppressed people. Then we must ACT upon it, by educating others, organizing, struggling, and through practice, learn more ourselves!
Organize: Build groups, community organizations, mass organizations, student groups, neighborhood watches, librarian protection groups, LGBTQIA+ advocacy groups or organizations, unions, etc., based on the needs of women, the LGBTQIA community, Indigenous communities, African communities, Asian communities, and all oppressed people's communities, that correspond to and directly address the needs of the masses. These organizations must not be based on our own ideas, but instead, on the "concrete conclusions of concrete conditions". We must organize all sectors of society, however small, in whatever ways we can, however temporary they may be, because these ALL will be a key foundation to developing a population that organizes itself when the time comes, based on the material needs of the masses (themselves and us) in the decisive moments.
Struggle: We take the education and practice we have developed, the organizations and groups we have formed, and begin to collaborate our work as much as is possible, towards our shared goals, intending to build a revolutionary unity (based on self-criticism and criticism, openness, comradeship, and especially, revolutionary action) which will never be perfect, but through actual material steps, organization, coordination, planning, action, reflection, and action again, we can develop more relationships, movements, organizations, community groups, and revolutionary parties, among the masses, with their direct participation, to build a new tomorrow.