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Don't Know Where to Start? Start where you are!


When it comes to issues that we are all facing on a daily basis, such as poverty, joblessness, a lack of educational opportunities, poor quality or no housing, etc., we are meant to feel powerless in making any changes, or in coming out on top from the bills, stress, work, and time we are forced to take on simply to survive. But we have to understand that the real issue at hand is that we are not dealing with these issues squarely, collectively, and in a creative, shall we say "revolutionary" way, we are trying to deal with them on our own. We are trying to deal with them with the same "tools" and ideas, pre-prescribed methods we've been taught and seen fail time and time again.

When it comes to issues of money, for example, most of us are forced into some sort of debt. When it comes to day to day expenses, we take on incredible bills alone, with our partners if we have them, even for necessary life things like medical procedures, or an education. But I want to ask you all something, what would happen if a collective of people decided that they wouldn't pay back their student loans, or their medical bills? Or, even better, what would happen if we all organized ourselves and fought for a medical system, an education system, a housing system, that is free, and a guaranteed right of all? How could we do that? What do we think would happen?


We see these struggles happening on the ground today!

Students, nurses, service workers, teachers' unions, writers' unions, UPS workers, immigrants, incarcerated people and their families, among so many others, are fighting in the ways that they can, where they are, to make the changes that they can. Importantly also they are working to build a collective consciousness, a mindset, that these changes can and MUST be made by us, the people suffering the brunt of the consequences. These are the places and spaces by which most of us learn another world, another society, a new system is needed: Socialism. Through experiences, history, discussion and collective decision making, we are reminded that we are the authors of our destiny.

When we look at the most vulnerable and most oppressed groups of people, Africans, Indigenous Peoples, Immigrants, folks who are locked up, we see this need. We also see, among these same oppressed communities, true militancy, dedication, and commitment, not to some vague notion of change, but to the necessity for power, for control, for decision making to be held in the hands of them, us, you and me- the People. But how do we get there?

We know that it is extremely difficult for many to get involved in different movements, organizations, unions, what have you, because of capacity issues, work schedules, parenthood, being locked up, being in school, being scared to lose your job, or your house, or your friends. We know that it is also difficult because so much around us is telling us that it is over, that nothing can change, that we've come to the "end of history", the brink of socio-economic collapse, if not nuclear fallout...but this cannot be allowed to continue! If those before us can fight, fail, learn, and succeed, and continue to struggle, so should we!

If we submit ourselves to this "reality" we are saying "that's fine by me", and we are marking the graves and setting the timer for the death of millions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Carribean, and here on Turtle Island. This "Doomerism", fueled by increasing amounts of anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, and other symptomatic affects of this social-media-crazed, lighting-fast, working-till-you-drop-dead, individualistic society is a cultivated mentality meant to lead you not to resistance, but to submission. We have to fight this tooth and nail by connecting with our friends, going out into nature, meeting new people, and resisting the urge and push to fall onto our knees in desperation and say, "Just let me die!" I am not exaggerating, or trying to be dramatic, one can see the dire need for community and compassion simply by looking at the increase in child and teen suicides, drug addiction, ODs, and even death by cop, as well.

If you're sitting there thinking, "I don't want to feel like this anymore", "I want to do something", but you're still caught up on the "how can this happen" or even still, "can this happen", then let me tell you this, it can! We can! We must, we will, and folks already are!

You can start a club, or a committee, you can join a tenant union or form your own, you can talk to fellow students, your coworkers, your neighbors, your friends, your family, those you connect with on social media, on gaming platforms, anywhere you happen to be, and learn with them, try new things, and fight like HELL for this exploitation, depression, and oppression to END once and for all! Build study groups, develop a schedule among friends to share food with one another, set up a community fridge, join your union, make things better by doing something better, by taking action and bringing better things into reality through your action!

Start small, but think as big as can be made possible!

Don't sell yourselves short, don't put unnecessary obstacles or limited and short term objectives ahead of you...we don't want a piece of the pie, we want the whole damn bakery, the whole land - for the People!

Start where you are, go from there. Connect with friends and people you know, reach out to local groups, students, clubs, organizations, community groups, mosques, day-habs, and places where folks congregate. Ask questions, start something up, join something that already exists and try to make it better. Don't fear failure, don't fear struggle, don't fear conflict, don't fear resistance. We have to fight like hell, I'm going to keep saying that, cause we all know what it is like to give a half ass effort at work, or at school, or in a relationship- we can't do that shit. We need militancy, determination, and the belief that we are the actors of our own history, we are the writers of our own drama, we are the ones. We will be the change, or we will be subject to what is to come, and what is already here.

The reality is simple, we all can play a role, and we are all needed in a real struggle to change reality.

It is us, the people, day to day folks, incarcerated, unhoused, jobless, poor, vulnerable, oppressed people, who will make the change, whether it fails or succeeds, we will be the ones to decide! So fight, struggle, organize, and connect.

Let's get this shit.

“Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution.” - George L. Jackson, Field Marshall, Black Panther Party

All power to the People!


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